India Brass Import Data and Importers or Buyers Directory and List with Contact Information.

Wazir Chand Co Pvt Ltd Imports, Importer, Buyer of brass

Wazir Chand Co Pvt Ltd
138-kothiwal Nagar
Station Road
Hs Code: 74199930
Prod Description: H/C Of Brass,iron Ceramic Items
Value Ind Rs: 25378.7
Value US Usd: 550.513
Quantity: 180
Unit: PCS
Unit Rate Ind Rs: 140.993
Date: 2004-10-29 00:00:00
port of destination: Delhi Ppg
country of destination: India
port of origin: Fra
Ship mode: Sea

Venkateshwara Biosentry (India)ltd Imports, Importer, Buyer of brass

Venkateshwara Biosentry (India)ltd
Venkateshwara House S.No.114/A/2,
Pune-sinhagad Rd,
Hs Code: 84336010
Prod Description: Cleaner Cleanpro 10/130 Ps Hp 230v 50hz 1450 Rpm Axial Pumpbrass Head 3 Ceramic Pistons
Value Ind Rs: 250373
Value US Usd: 5472.64
Quantity: 9
Unit: PCS
Unit Rate Ind Rs: 27819.3
Date: 2004-01-27 00:00:00
port of destination: Bombay
country of destination: Italy
port of origin: Milano
Ship mode: Air

Geena Garments Imports, Importer, Buyer of brass

Geena Garments
Hs Code: 83081010
Prod Description: Eyelet With Washer Brass Made Enamel Col:19-1533
Value Ind Rs: 1229.19
Value US Usd: 26.8675
Quantity: 27.8
Unit: GRS
Unit Rate Ind Rs: 44.2155
Date: 2004-01-25 00:00:00
port of destination: Madras
country of destination: Hongkong
port of origin: Hk
Ship mode: Air

Shri Vinayaka Impex Limited Imports, Importer, Buyer of brass

Shri Vinayaka Impex Limited
Hs Code: 96061010
Prod Description: 8mm Metal Button Brass Made (Enamel Col Trefle)
Value Ind Rs: 6307.37
Value US Usd: 140.32
Quantity: 185
Unit: GRS
Unit Rate Ind Rs: 34.0939
Date: 2004-04-25 00:00:00
port of destination: Madras
country of destination: Hongkong
port of origin: Hk
Ship mode: Air

Contact Information

Delhi Office

Mr. Prashant kumar
Tel: Direct : 91-11-40703045
Tel: Board : 91-11-40703000
Fax: 91-11-40703060

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